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Eventos de Libros, Cuentos de Libros, Enseñanza, y Reuniones
Eventos de Cuentos, 2021: Adventuras con Duende en el Oceano 
FLYER, Oct. 20 workshop.jpg

TESTIMONIALS for Exploring Your Soul's Story: 


"Love, love, loved it! Love the poems, both others and yours. Loved the music. Best of all is your skill and experience in hearing us and providing such knowledgeable feedback and synthesis." --Jessica Penick


"Beautiful! I wouldn't change anything!" --Julie Witowski


"Very calming and informative for the entire group. Trust and good conversation was inspired throughout the entire group. Wonderful experience and happy atmosphere."--Becky Mann-Polston


"Thank you. This was a really wonderful experience!" --Sondra Slivon


"Lovely workshop! You and Hannah worked well together! Organizing around the 4 directions was nice. Singing was great. Location was conducive to establishing the trust you built. Humor rules." --Sharon Berman


"Beautiful journey, nicely facilitated. I liked the speed--not too fast or slow. Good content. What's not to like. I enjoyed it!" -Caren Stevens


"Thank you for this beautiful day. I loved the guided journey so much. I valued the chance to spend the day reflecting on my own journey and appreciate the time given to journaling. -Laura Erickson


"This was an awesome experience! Many thanks. 5 stars for sure. Loved all the different modalities--something for everyone." -Maureen Brooks


"Thank you. I appreciated how accesible the leaders were. I felt guided into myself rather than being told how to be saved. You all make a great team. A full weekend retreat next time? --Dana McMullen


"Enjoyed singing and journeying. I liked that you posed questions for participants to ask themselves." -Mallory Burnette


"Ya sabes que es mi primera vez y me encantó. Fue increíble y espero que sea la primera de muchas porque quiero seguir este camino. Este es mi comienzo y les agradesco que lo hicieron tan ameno que lo quiera seguir". -Cristina Roland



April Workshop, 2024 FINAL.jpg

2021 NM, Eventos de Cuentos: 


June 15, 3:30-4:30:

Children's Adventure Company, Santa Fe 


June 21, 10:30-12 p.m. 

Mountain View Community Center, ALBQ


June 23, 2:00-4:45 p.m.

Mesa Verde Community Center, ALBQ


June 26, 10:00-12:00 p.m.

Santa Fe Railyard Market, Santa Fe


June 29, 2:00-3:30 p.m.

Vista Grande Community Center, East Mtn.


July 3, 10:00-12:00 p.m.

Santa Fe Railyard Market, Santa Fe


July 6, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Las Padillas Community Center, ALBQ

Westside Community Center, ALBQ


July 14, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

River Talks Event, Santa Fe


July 17, 9:00 a.m.-10:15 p.m.

Bachechi Open Space, ALBQ


July 18, 9:45-11:00 a.m.

Albuquerque Open Space, ALBQ.


July 31, 9:45-11:00 a.m.

Albuquerque Open Space, ALBQ.


August 7, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Santa Fe Railyard Market, Santa Fe


August 14, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Rio Grande Nature Center, ALBQ


*Si quiere organizar un evento de cuentos, mandeme un email o llameme:


505 923 0649   OR   OR

Stories from the Earth Workshop

Thanks for registering!

Link for payment of $185 for Stories from the Earth Workshop will be sent after registration. 


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Previous Events with Child of Duende novel (does not include book signings in Portugal)

 Eventos de 2012, España:
 ¡Aquí hay imágenes de Niña Duende, la traducción al español de Child of Duende, en España durante junio de 2019! ... de Madrid a Murcia y de Málaga a Granada. Ya está disponible en España una nueva publicación de Niña Duende con Ediciones Coronas Borealis: :

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 Eventos de 2018 

Lanzada en Buenos Aires, Argentina, mi novela traducida al español, Niña Duende: Un Viaje del Espíritu, fue compartida con flamenco en Boutique del Libro, Adrogué,

Boulevard Shopping,

el 28 de diciembre, 2018. 

Argentinian Event in Spanish.jpg

Qué tarde increíble de Narración y Flamenco en Taos, NM el 23 de junio de 2018, NM.


Unas 65 personas se unieron conmigo y el guitarrista y cantante de flamenco Ronaldo Baca y a la bailarina Catalina Rio-Fernandez para una tarde verdaderamente mágica y conmovedora en SOMOS. ¡Gracias a todos por crear un momento de profunda conexión en honor a la tierra, nuestra comunidad, y mi novela, Child of Duende!

Firma de Libros en Coas Books, Las Cruces, NM, el 20 de junio, 2018

Naracción  de Child of Duende


en el la reunion de chamanes en Three Sided Whole  en NM el 2 de junio, 2018. 

Eventos de 2017 

 Taller de Escritura Chamanica  

 ...en colaboración con Autor de Niños Burt Kempner el 4 de noviembre, 2017, en Tortuga Gallery en Alb, NM

Buenos Aires, Argentina:  Lectura de Libro con Guitarra de Flamenco y Taller, Mayo, 2017

Taller de redacción en Kel ediciones en Buenos Aires el 6 de junio de 2017.

¡Una gran tarde! 

(más libros disponibles en Kel ediciones)

Una participación de más de 80 para la lectura de mi novela con guitarra de flamenco el 26 de mayo, 2017 a las 5:30 p.m. en Kel Ediciones, Buenos Aires. 

Evento de Barnes and Noble 

 El 21 de enero de 2017 (4-6 p.m.): Sanación con sonido y música para el año nuevo, NM



I went to see writer, Michelle Adam, tonight as she read from her book, Child of Duende: A Journey of the Spirit and taught a workshop on how to write from the heart. Aside from the fact that she sounds like a fascinating woman who has led an inspired life as a dancer and writer, she shared an exercise with us tonight on exploring the mystery of our soul’s story.

I was taken on a fantasmical journey as she read to us from her novel about an 8 year old girl named Duende, vines that bleed human blood and spirit guides, getting lost in the storytelling that I love so much. We were then encouraged to write with the help of Michelle’s guided imagery and prompts. This is what I came up with:


  1. Where was your soul born? Close your eyes and imagine the place, then write about it, in complete sentences or just words. I saw a teenager’s room. My room when I was a teenager. There was a record player on the dresser, posters on the wall and frilly, girly, bedding. (I bet I was the only girl in tha ‘hood with bedding for each season).

  2. What do I feel? The feelings I felt were freedom, happiness, security, wonder, adventurous and hopeful. I was alone, but totally OK with it. Not at all lonely but secure. I felt free, as if I can do anything I want. The window was open and the weather was pleasant.

  3. What do I hear? I hear my voice singing and my fingers snapping to the sound of a record playing.

  4. What do I smell? I smell cardboard (this was a little strange- but that was what I perceived that I smelled).

  5. What do I look like? I do not have a body. I am a ray of light. I look like sound would look if it looked like anything.

  6. How do I move? I am pulsing red light, like the light on an ol’ skool Equalizer that pulses according to the beat of the music. I soon realize that I am the music, it is not separate from me.

  7. What do I long for? What is my calling? To join with other light/sound beings and to vibrate together.                                                                                                                           Whoa! I was not expecting any of that! The questions and answers unfolded over approximately 30-40 minutes. I enjoyed this exercise and am looking forward to exploring deeper the experience of writing my soul story. Stay tuned.


Posted by STARCHILD2016 on OCTOBER 26, 2016


El 28 de Enero, 2017 (1-3 p.m.):   Barnes and Noble, Coronado Mall) . Lectura de Libro con Guitarra de Flamenco y Cante. 

Eventos de 2016 

(La Primavera y el Verano) 


El 16 de agosto, 2016: BookWorks, Lectura,NM

El 28 de julio, 2016: Page 1 Books, Lectura,NM

El 22 de julio, 2016: Village Books, Lectura, Bellingham,WA 

* El 22 de julio, 2016:  Evento en Bellingham, WA 

July 16, 2016: Evento en Port Townsend, WA

July 28, 2016: Page 1 Books, Lectura,NM

* June 11, 2016: Lanzamiento de Libro, NM

April 6, 2016: Clase y Ceremonia Chamanica, NM


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